
A Conversation with CEO and Founder Jamill C. Jones

Founder and CEO JJones

Created with the goal to serve the nation’s capital, Washington D.C., Purpose Is Life, Inc., works to cultivate and inspire the next generation to find their purpose.

Learn more about our mission, vision, and inception from our CEO and Founder Jamill C. Jones by booking him as a keynote speaker today.

From the Court to the Court: What Would You Do?

A motivational talk on decision-making, consequences, and overcoming adversity.

More than a speech of Jones’ journey, this is a conversation about how choices, chances, and subsequent consequences can change the course of anyone’s life. The session appeals to the very essence of life’s purpose—evolving and increasing the substance of who we are by seeing every circumstance as an opportunity for growth—even the most difficult ones.

This is an inspirational discussion about how a chance interaction led to a life-altering tragedy simply while parking a car. For the first time since this unfolded, Jones walks participants through the events of the night and subsequent court cases with a chilling clarity of how this story could have belonged to anyone. Audience members will rocket through this real-life narrative that is both startling and revelatory, filled with compassion and spiritual growth that will help listeners navigate life’s many decisions.

Jones’ keynote on overcoming adversity can help you achieve resiliency skills that impact the quality of leadership and culture, and result in healthier attitudes and peak performance from individuals as well as teams.

Email contact@purposeislife.com to book him today.

What You Will Learn

What Audiences Are Saying

Messages from the President

Stay tuned to updates by subscribing to his articles on Medium.

Email contact@purposeislife.com to book him today.